Sewer Collection System

Owned and Maintained by EBSD

The Emerald Bay Service District owns and maintains the sewer collection system within Emerald Bay. Below is a description of some of the sewer system’s key elements.


  • Sewer Laterals, are small, private sewer pipelines that connect a home or business to the public sewer mains. These are owned and maintained by property owners
  • Main Public Sewer Pipelines are owned by the District and located in the streets or in easements adjacent to properties.
  • Sewer lift/pump stations. The District owns seven sewer lift-pump stations and a Main Sewer Lift/Pump station to move wastewater to the City of City of Laguna Beach sewer collection system.
  • From there it is conveyed to the Coastal Treatment Plant, located behind the Ranch Golf Course. For more information on the Treatment Plant, please visit the website.