Current Projects
Lift Station 4
The EBSD maintains seven sewer list stations to transport sewage to area sewage treatment plants. Sewer lift station 4 (near the culvert by the beach) is over 50 years old and showing signs of deterioration. EBSD is undertaking a major renovation of Lift Station 4 which is scheduled to commence in the fall of 2022.
Force Main Sewer Line
Sewage from all seven Emerald Bay lift stations is pumped to a main sewer line connecting to lines maintained by the City of Laguna Beach through a Force Main line. The primary Force Main line is over 50 years old. The EBSD conducted a video survey of the line in January 2022 to determine if any repairs are required. More videotaping will be required.
Tunnel Walkway & Railing
The EBSD recently completed repairs of the walkway under the tunnel to the beach and replaced the deteriorating handrails for the safety of pedestrians utilizing the tunnel.
Projects Funded by the Emerald Bay Service EBSD Since 2012
1. Sewer Pipeline Lining Projects
One of EBSD’s top priorities is protecting the neighboring marine environment. Consequently, maintaining sewer lines to prevent sewage spills is one of EBSD’s primary activities. The EBSD has completed three phases of its five-phase sewer lining program. Approximately 40 sewer pipeline segments have been lined or repaired. An additional 20 sewer pipeline segments will be lined in a phased project addressing the lines most in need first.
2. Sewer Lift/Pumping Station Assessment
Properly functioning sewer lift and pumping stations ensure that sewage is processed properly and avoids spills into the ocean. The EBSD has completed a sewer lift/pumping station assessment of its seven sewer lift stations. This assessment has provided for recommendations for future funding of projects related to the sewer lift stations which will be addressed in as part of EBSD’s planning next projects.
3. Sewer Pipeline Video Inspection
The EBSD funded the video inspection of its entire sewer collection system (approximately 6 miles). This assessment provided the basis for subsequent sewer lining and repairs to various segments of the sewer collection system.
4. Storm Drain Improvements
Storm drains convey storm water to drains to reduce flooding and properly convey storm water through a bio swale to avoid the negative impact of unfiltered storm water spilling into the ocean. The completed project include;
- Along the 500 block
- Along shamrock road by gate 6
- Along the 700 and 900 block of emerald bay at gate 6
- Along the pool access road
The EBSD funded the storm drain repairs/improvements along the pool access road after the heavy rains of 2017/18. In addition, the EBSD funded the roadway improvements that were washed out in the subsequent flooding. These improvements allow a much greater volume of storm water to be conveyed in the creek and not overflow onto the roadway.
5. Water Pipeline and Fire Hydrants
The EBSD funded the installation of a new water pipeline and fire hydrant to serve the cul-de-sac at #12/#20/#22 Emerald Bay. In addition, the EBSD funded and installed a new fire hydrant at the end of pool access road. This fire hydrant is directly connected to the Laguna Beach County Water EBSD’s (LBCWD) 5-million-gallon reservoir (this allows direct access to potable water without having to go through various water transmission/distribution pipelines).
![a fire hydrant](
6. Main Gate Safety Improvement Project
The EBSD provided funding for the Main Gate Safety Improvement Project to enhance the safety of both the public traveling on Pacific Coast Highway past the entrance and residents and guests entering and exiting the community. The project included the excavation and reshaping the slope at Swanson Park to allow for the expansion of the roadway ingress into Emerald Bay. The job included the roadway pavers, reconstruction of the ingress from/egress to Pacific Coast Highway (PCH) and the landscaping. In addition, a new storm drain system and a new water pipeline were installed under the Main Gate roadway.
As part of the project, the EBSD funded a new sewer collection pipeline, a storm drain bioswale along the west end of Swanson Park and recreational facilities.
7. Street Sweeper
The EBSD has funded the purchase of the street sweeper which helps reduce the possibility of debris flowing from streets into the ocean.