

To serve the constituents of the Emerald Bay Service District and protect the marine environment.


  • Provide fresh water supply
  • Provide sewer services and maintain sewer infrastructure
  • Fire protection, weed abatement, emergency response and other safety related projects and services
  • Provide street improvements, maintenance and repair to protect streets and infrastructure from flooding
  • Collaboration with the Emerald Bay Community Association for projects within the district’s powers that will maximize taxpayer benefits
  • Provide parks & recreation and law enforcement/security services to constituents for cost effectiveness


The community of Emerald Bay was established in the 1920s. Emerald Bay Service District (EBSD) was formed in 1961 by resolution of the Orange County Board of Supervisors. The EBSD is governed under the Community Services District Law.

How We Protect the Environment

Top priorities for the EBSD are to maintain infrastructure related to water and sewers to help protect the delicate marine environment adjacent to the district. EBSD is in the process of lining all sewer infrastructure and upgrading sewer pump stations. EBSD constructed a Bio-Swale in Swanson Park to help filter all storm run off before it reaches the ocean or creek leading into the ocean. Regular street sweeping and solid waste collection on the beach further protect the ocean and marine environment. EBSD continues to identify and pursue projects to help avoid negative impacts to the ocean and marine environment.

Map of Service Area

Service area map